Shirone's Blog

We are now at Hugo!

My first blog was built up in 2015, and it was built by wordpress. At that time I was a newbie in programming, so it takes me a lot of time to build up the blog. I was confused by how to run a database server and connect it with wordpress at that time, tried to learn what a port or a socket is. It also takes me a lot of time debugging with nginx, to understands what a reverse proxy is. Anyway, it helps me a lot to build up the concept of how a web application works.

My blog was moved to ghost in 2017, as I decided to rebuild my blog. And moved to hexo in 2019, as I wish to make it static so that I don’t need a server to deploy it. And now, I am moving kvto hugo, as I want to make it more simple and easy to use.

There are many themes provided by hugo, but I’m kind of aesthetic fatigue, so I decided to build up my own theme, starting from the theme blank with raw css. I’m not a designer, and I know really less about front end, so it might be ugly. But I really enjoy the rough felling with our too much decoration, with the font and color choose by myself. I will try my best to make it better in the future.