Shirone's Blog

K8s environment setup with Ansible

Last time we took a try on ansible with the three virtual machines we created with pve. And this time we are going to use ansible to set up a k8s environment with these three virtual machines. I’m going to edit the playbook step by step, following the official installation guide of k8s and docker. All my nodes are running on Ubuntu 20.04. Starting of the playbook - name: Kubernetes hosts: homelab_vms vars_files: - homelab. Read more...

Frp reverse proxy

These days, I’m frequently traveling between my home and my lab at school. The workstation in our lab is already been set up with a bastion server, and it can be easily accessed at my home with a school VPN. But sometimes I still need to access my own computer at home from the lab. The problem is that my home network is doesn’t has a static public IP, so I decided to use a reverse proxy to access my home computer. Read more...

Thai-Style Coconut Sago Pudding

This is a very simple dessert that can easily prepared. It is a very popular dessert in Thailand and is often served at the end of a meal. I really like the texture of the sago and the coconut milk. It is very smooth and refreshing. It is a perfect dessert for summer (Although we are going into winter in Australia). Ingredients: 50g sago (Can be found in coles or woolworths, but its called “tapioca pearl”) 300ml coconut milk 20g Gelatine powder 30g sugar some shredded coconut (optional) Steps: Read more...

I'm married!

Full of happiness and joy today!

Some notes on Linear programming

This year I took a course about linear programming. Actually its name is “linear optimisations”. But i think i still not really understand some major concepts about linear algebra… Here are some notes when I’m reviewing and preparing for the final exam. A linear program is said to be in standard form if it has the following structure: Minimise $c \cdot x$ Subject to $Ax = b \ x \geq 0$ Read more...

Managing VMs with Ansible

We got our VMs with Proxmox VE last time, and now I hope to easily manage them. For example, if I want to setting up kubernetes cluster, there are lots of dependencies need to be install, and many many variables that need to manage. So we need a tool to help us manage the VMs. Ansible will be a good choice. Here also comes an idea called infrastructure as code (IaC). Read more...

Managing Logical Volumes in Proxmox VE

These days I’m trying to using Proxmox VE as my home server. As I hope to runiing mulitple VMs in order to do some experiments, I need to manage the storage of the VMs. In Proxmox VE, there are two types of storage: local storage and shared storage. Local storage is the storage that is attached to the host, and shared storage is the storage that is attached to the cluster. Read more...

Sharing a file to my friends with amazon S3

As I was sharing VPN services to my friends, every time when some modifications was made e.g. change of ip address, removed a server, added a new server and so on, I need to send them the configuration file. Since my service was used by over 10 friends, I need to send them the new file one by one. It is really annoying. I hope to find a way to share the file with them automatically. Read more...

Rendering Latex Math Symbols with Hugo

This article shares how to embed Latex mathematics inside Hugo’s web pages. As latex math symbols are widely used, it is a good idea to have a way to render them in your blog. We choose Katex as the math rendering engine. What we need to do for embedding katex is quite simple. We just need to include the katex css and js files in the header of our web page. Read more...


I used to deploy my blog with cloudflare wrangler. It is a service works with cloudflare worker and can easily deploy your static website. Cloudflare just release wrangler but the docs are really hard to understand and as it is really complicate to migrate my website from wrangler1 to wrangler2, and as some ip address from cloudflare are banned in China, the connection might be blocked. So I finally decided to move my website to other platforms. Read more...

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